Building schools with plastic bricks

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Building schools with plastic bricks


Millions of tons of plastic waste are thrown away eacy year. They polute our seas, our air, our lands, our children’s playgrounds. Children around the world, expecially the most vulnerable, face the impact of pollution. To help tackle this worldwide problem, UNICEF Côte d’Ivoire has partnered with Conceptos Plasticos, a Colombian social business that transforms plastic waste into contruction materials to build the first-of-its-kind recycled plastic brick factory in Africa.

In Côte d’Ivoire alone, hundreds of thousands of children do not have access to education, simply because there are not enough classrooms, and when children go to school, too often classrooms are overcrowded, sometimes with more than 100 children.

With this innovative project, UNICEF and Conceptos Plasticos, in partnership with the government, want to:

1. contribute to a cleaner planet by recycling plastic.

2. fight child mortality by preventing the spread of diseases exacerbated by pollution such as diarrhea, pneumonia and malaria.

3. provide low-cost learning spaces for children.

4. give local men and women a decent job, collecting plastic waste, producing ecologic building materials, building schools and other facilities, and teaching.

We at Editorial Perdido want to build a school in Haiti. This is what our school will look like.